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I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.9.0.
No change made on this version since RC1.
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.9.0RC1.
This version bundled 30 common extensions (up-and-ready). Please test it more as possible before final version in 16 days.
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.9.0b2.
This second beta release improve again php component detection, and provide some new getters functions to retrieve information from global array results.
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.9.0b1.
This first beta release give a real build system for Extension Support as CLI script named pciconf
Add also some aliases functions to get information from global array results
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.9.0a1.
This first alpha version of new API 1.9.0 will allow to improve again detection of classes/constants implemented by PHP extensions.
Don't forget to read the presentation
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.8.1.
A little bug fix release. See changelog for details
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.8.0.
After 4 beta, and 2 release candidate, this major version (that fixed 2 minor bugs since RC2) introduce the new API 1.8.0 that follow the MVC pattern and a renderer system customizable.
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.8.0RC2.
This version add minor changes on XML and Text Renderer.
14 days left before final stable version. Please give it a good testing !
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.8.0RC1.
This version fixed 3 bugs, and include the full test suites compatible API 1.8
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.8.0b4.
This version add 2 new renderers (Html, Csv), some minor fixes and 3 more examples
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.8.0b3.
With this version the CLI is back alive with the new Text Renderer.
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.8.0b2.
This version is a full rewrite following the MVC design pattern, but DO NOT break Backward Compatibility.
It introduces two new features:
  1. Event-Driven capability
  2. Customizable and extendable Renderers
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.8.0b1.
Consider this version as a high bug fix release. Especially if you want to parse files/dirs with conditional code such as function_exists(), extension_loaded(), and defined().
This version introduces also a progress bar when parsing directory from CLI
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.7.0.
After 1 alpha and 4 beta releases, this version fixed some bugs and introduces some cool new features. See changelog for details.
Warning: XML report format was changed.
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.7.0b4.
This version fix a bug and add new improvement especially on CLI version. See changelog for details.
This version is the last beta before final and stable version 1.7.0
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.7.0b3.
This version add a new feature. Implement ability to customize CLI data output.
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.7.0b2.
This version fix a bug found on 1.7.0a1. There are also some minor changes on CLI.
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.7.0b1.
The CLI version included as SAPI the new options ignore-*-match
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.7.0a1.
This version imtroduces a cool feature that allow to locally mask exception for functions, extensions and constants used by scripts parsed.
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.6.0-1.6.1.
This version improve again PHP5 detection and add an xml report option to CLI.
Version 1.6.1 is an immediat release after 1.6.0 to fix a NOTICE error.
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.5.1.
This version fixed a DOS CRLF EOL on every single file in previous release 1.5.0
Manual license upgrade to version 3.0 of Creative-Commons, and a new chapter related to new versions (history) was added.
Debug output of CLI version show now origin of extension (PECL or not), and minimum version means for extension (not PHP).
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.5.0.
This version marked drop down support of PHP3 script detection. If you still used PHP3 scripts, you need to install version 1.4.3 of PHP_CompatInfo.
This version also fixed some Coding Standard (see PHP_CodeSniffer), and one bug on windows platform (only): See bug report #12350
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.4.3.
This version fully fixed a problem to detect version when scripts contains strings with PHP5 constants tokens. (See bug report #10100, and new comment of Simon Ruderich).
This release include also The Definitive Guide in version 1.4.1 that cover all versions until 1.4.3
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.4.2.
This version fixed a problem to detect version when scripts contains strings with PHP5 constants tokens. (See bug report #10100).
This release include also The Definitive Guide in version 1.4.1 that cover all versions until 1.4.2
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.4.1.
This version fixed a problem with command line feature and wrong implementation of Console_Getargs switch options in version 1.3.2 (See bug report #9252).
Download statistics of the latest release are now back. See Download tab.
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.4.0.
This version is features completed. The last options added since 1.3.2 are ability to ignore php modules/extensions functions list ("ignore_extensions") and also to ignore versions php functions list ("ignore_versions").
This package was initiated by Davey Shafik and is now only actively maintained by your servant Laurent Laville.
pcicmd console command was improved by using Console_Getargs package rather than Console_Getopt. SAPI and CLI version have same features now.
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.3.2.
This version fix a render output bug with CLI version and mark stop generation of package xml 1.0
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.3.1.
This version fixed a minor bug and allow now to beautify CLI output version with two options "split" and "glue" (from class constructor). See example "cliCustom.php" in distribution for details.
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.3.0.
This version fix few bugs, and give a CLI facility for windows users.
CLI version was improved on output render (limit to 80 columns, console_table separator between each file).
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.2.0.
This version give again more power on options to restrict functions/constants :
with "ignore_constants" option, and with new method loadVersion() that give you a facility to ignore a subset of php functions (for example exclude all PHP5 code). Don't forget to have a look on script "docs\examples\ignorePHP5implements.php" for details.
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.1.2.
that fix a bug related to case sensitive noticed to me by Markus Zapke-Gruendemann (thanks to him).
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.1.1
that fix an old bug that was back active and give a better support on PHP and PECL extensions detection.
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.1.0
that fix one bug and add a new feature (support for reporting max PHP version : see tests/checkMax.php script for how to use it).
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.0.2
that support PHP 3 functions, and uses the most up-to-dates PHP Function Table.
I would like to announce the availability of PHP_CompatInfo 1.0.1.
that includes a web frontend (docs/examples/ci_frontend.php) to help everybody to check their PEAR packages installation.