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HTML_Progress2 : The Definitive Guide

Data Handler

Current value
Go to next step


HTML_Progress2::getIncrement - Returns the progress meter increment value
HTML_Progress2::setIncrement - Sets the progress meter increment value

getIncrement() and setIncrement() methods provides reading and setting of the progress meter's step property.


HTML_Progress2::getMinimum - Returns the progress meter minimum value
HTML_Progress2::setMinimum - Sets the progress meter minimum value

getMinimum() and setMinimum() methods provides reading and setting of the progress meter's minimum property.


HTML_Progress2::getMaximum - Returns the progress meter maximum value
HTML_Progress2::setMaximum - Sets the progress bar's maximum value.

getMaximum() and setMaximum() methods provides reading and setting of the progress meter's maximum property.

Current value

HTML_Progress2::getValue - Returns the progress meter current value
HTML_Progress2::setValue - Sets the progress meter current value

getValue() and setValue() methods provides reading and setting of the progress meter's current value property.

Go to next step

HTML_Progress2::incValue - Updates the internal progress meter current value
HTML_Progress2::moveStep - Changes new value of the progress meter by step increase
HTML_Progress2::moveNext - Changes new value of the progress meter by increment increase
HTML_Progress2::getPercentComplete - Returns the percent complete of the progress meter

These methods provides setting to go to next step/value of the progress meter, and reading getPercentComplete() to detect if task is completed.

HTML_Progress2 : The Definitive Guide v 2.4.0 : April 20, 2007