HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect is a object oriented class that adds an element to the HTML_QuickForm package that is two select boxes next to each other emulating a multi-select.
HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect and HTML_QuickForm, are available via PEAR, which offers high quality PHP packages for many purposes.
I am sure we have all been there, dealing with QuickForm because we need to allow users
to select multiple options.
With a standard html select box, you can select multiple options if the 'multiple' attribute
is set, but you have to hold down the appropriate modifier key (ctrl on windows) in order
to do so. It's not a problem for end-user experts, but it's not true for all of us.
On a web project, i should deel with a such solution (dual select boxes with swap buttons)
already written by a previous developper. Even if the solution worked, it was with a nasty
too much restrictive implementation.
After i've left the project, i've begun to search for a real solution and i found a cool
attempt with work of Jamie Alessio.
I've worked on it and finally propose officially to the PEAR community an improved version which was accepted, on june 21 2005.
Operating System independent.
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