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I would like to announce the availability of HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect 1.5.1.
This version fixed a little bug with html comment usage and improve code coverage to a highest level.
I would like to announce the availability of HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect 1.5.0.
This version introduce a new Javascript code written in object literal notation (with namespace), and its compressed version.
There are also two new buttons to move directly to top or move to bottom a selection.
Fancy attributes are now fully supported, and persistant options notion was introduced in API.
See changelog to read more about this version.
I would like to announce the availability of HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect 1.4.1.
This version introduce a TIP to make double-select-box XHTML 1.0 Strict compliant.
I would like to announce the availability of HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect 1.4.0.
This version has no code changes since previous release, but change license from PHP 3.01 to new BSD (give more freedom).
I would like to announce the availability of HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect 1.3.1.
This version will fix missing package xml replacements that will allow to still use getElementJs() method.
I would like to announce the availability of HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect 1.3.0.
This version add a new feature : Live counter (display selected/unselected items count). Javascript source code was put into an external file (qfamsHandler.js) available in PEAR/data/HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect directory. Usage of getElementJs() begin optional (to avoid BC break) and it is not recommanded (requires PHP 4.3.0) while usage of all other API requires only PHP 4.2.0
See multiple example 2 (examples/qfams_multiple_2.php) and User Guide for details about new feature : Live counter.
Download statistics of the latest release are now back. See Download tab.
After a bit more than a year, I have decided to change skin of the site. I hope you will enjoy changes. One tear, for the old layout of year 2005 !
Site skin of year 2005
I would like to announce the availability of HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect 1.2.0. This stable version comes with a feature that was already available in release 1.1.0 but only for a single select-box. This version is ready for production.

Don't forget to have a look on "The Definitive Guide", which was also updated. All documentation (english and french) in many formats is available to download or view it online.
I would like to announce the availability of HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect 1.1.0. This stable version comes with new features and is ready for production.

Don't forget to have a look on "The Definitive Guide", which was also updated. All documentation (english and french) in many formats is available to download or view it online.
2005-11-21 - New feature with extended buttons.
This feature was missing of stable version 1.0.0 and will be include in release 1.1.0, coming soon. You'll ability, in one stroke, to select all items, unselect them or just toggle your selection.

Give a look on new custom example 7 for details and demo.

2005-11-05 - Website examples pages updated.
All examples have now merged pages render options and source code to be more readable in following explains.

Highlight source code was made with GeSHi instead of PEAR::Text_Highlighter(previous solution).

2005-09-14 - Examples updates and a recommendation
addRule() used on line 115 of custom example 4 raised a notice error with QuickForm 3.2.5.

Use instead addGroupRule() each time with a QFAMS element

So template example 1 used now server side validation, and of course addGroupRule().

I would like to announce the availability of HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect 1.0.0 After three beta versions, only two bugs and a new feature since the offical proposal at PEAR on june 2005, this first stable version is ready for production.
I'm pleased to announce that this new version provides you with new and exiting features that will make your HTML_QuickForm experience even better.
Don't forget to have a look on "The Definitive Guide", a guide to and reference for both beginner and expert users. The binary distribution include english many html pages version of the guide, but much more format and translating are available to download.
A new example in basic category to demonstrate the db (data set) loading feature. Options will be load from a MySQL database with PEAR::DB.
Bug #5216 reporting by Jamie Alessio, thanks to him, was fixed into PEAR CVS. This bug and some minor other warning error problems will be include in the final version 1.0.0 (stable) planned for September 1st, 2005. This PEAR package version will also include english version of The Definitive Guide, you can find on the documentation section.
The final version 0.5.1 of the API Documentation is available to view it online.
The first edition of the Definitive Guide is now available in french and english.
You can view it online or download a copy.
The first edition of the Definitive Guide is now available to download. The french version will come very soon now !
The first edition of the Definitive Guide (revision 0.10.0) is now completed. Read it, and report to me all syntax or grammar errors. A french version (more easy to write for me) will be soon available and different download formats too. Stay tunes !
The draft of the first edition, revision 0.9.1, of the Definitive Guide is available. The fix applied allows IE 5.5+ to properly render PNG alpha transparency.
I've choosen the Erik Arvidsson's PNG Behavior technique (from WebFx), but it's not alone. Here are some alternatives :
The draft of the first edition of the Definitive Guide is available. I hope you will enjoy to read it, as i've pleasure to wrote it with Docbook and make it with xsltproc, a fast XSLT engine.
The second beta of HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect 0.5 is available. This version fixed a javascript error and comes with more phpdoc tags. Even if it's pretty stable, do not use this version in production systems, but test it and report bugs!
The first beta of HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect 0.5 is available. This version comes with two new features: auto arrange list in alphabetic order, and manual arrange list item with two buttons (Up and Down) suggest one month ago. Even if it's pretty stable, do not use this version in production systems, but test it and report bugs!
The first beta of HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect 0.4 is available. This version comes after the merge of the two implementations (dual multi-select, single checkboxes) proposed on june 22 with 0.3.0 beta4. Even if it's pretty stable, do not use this version in production systems, but test it and report bugs!